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It’s time to enjoy the : Freedom, Confidence, Comfort, Calm and Convenience you deserve. Kiss goodbye to bag changing anxiety and start to really enjoy life.

Meet Stomago.  A unique, life transforming changing aid

Stomago by Stociety is a unique changing aid from Liberise Innovations that has the potential to transform lives by significantly reducing the negative feelings and anxiety Ostomates often have around bag changing. Developed to make your life a whole lot easier, we think you’ll love it just as much as we do. 

Here’s what a few Ostomates we spoke to think about the idea

“I have a great career, but I feel as if my real potential is being held back because of my anxiety about changing.  It’s reached the point that I’ll refuse the chance to go out and see clients, and some days I don’t even want to go to work.  Stomago strikes me as the sort of solution that would be cool, convenient and would really let me get on with my life.”

Sarah, Brighton, UK

“I work in construction and often find myself on site where there are just portaloos.  It’s a nightmare.  I really don’t want to carry a man-bag for fear of being ribbed by my mates.  Stomago is discrete, convenient and lets me fit in at work.  It’s also perfect for when I go to the gym or the pub after work.  No more expensive taxi journeys home to change for me.”

David, Dundee, UK

“I’m completely out of the way of socialising.  It just doesn’t seem worthwhile.  All I do is worry about what’ll happen if I need a change.  I’d love to meet someone, but how will it happen if I hide away at home?  I know Stomago won’t be an automatic introduction to my dream partner, but I’m certain that it’ll help me face my fears and venture out of an evening.”

Lucy, Glasgow, UK

Don’t let having a Stoma stop you from living your best life.

The Stomago Story

Jan, the founder of Liberise and the great mind behind Stomago is an ostomate herself.  At a young age she found herself anxious, frustrated and held back because she stressed about having to change her bag in public toilets.  Rather than sit at home and feel sorry for herself though, she got her creative mind in gear and started to work out how she could make changes easier.

After much experimentation and plenty of prototyping and testing, Jan came up with Stomago.  The result is a stylish and efficient way to remove a whole lot of the stress and anxiety that goes along with changing on the go. 

With Stomago, you don’t need to worry about trying to find a hygienic surface to lay your products on.  Your hands are free to change your bag quickly and easily giving you the confidence to go out and enjoy life.

Stomago will give you the sense of freedom and relief you deserve – a new way of living, a better way of living.

Stomago is gaining real interest

Although Stomago was born in Jan’s home in a quiet corner of Scotland, it has gained interest from some pretty significant business leaders.  On the back of her innovation, Jan has recently completed an Ecommerce Fundamentals course and won £10,000 from Scottish Edge in the Wildcard Category. 

She’s also an alumnus of Entrepreneurial Spark and Business Gateway SMART Accelerators as well as Sir Tom Hunter’s new West Coast Accelerator and the RBS Accelerator.

What this means is that when you choose to join the Stomago community, you know you’re on to something good.

Meet Jan, the Ostomate behind Stomago

After many years of severe Ulcerative Colitis, Jan had a range of lifesaving surgeries, including having her bowel removed. She now has a Stoma (an ileostomy) and a bag for life.

One of Jan’s biggest frustrations has always been trying to change her bag in public toilets. A true entrepreneur and innovator at heart, for the last few years, she’s committed her life to doing extensive research and found that she was far from alone – this is a huge global problem.

This is why Jan designed and launched Stomago.  It has changed her life and she knows it could change yours too.

Link up with Jan on Social Media and follow her story: Facebook and Instagram : @liberiseinnovations

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